The role of flex in attracting and retaining talent
Right now, there’s still a big gap between the way people want to work and the way some businesses actually work.
We know that employees want flexibility.
Post-Covid, 86% of people say they want flexibility about where they work. 78% want flexibility about when they work.
For businesses, flexible work is no longer just an edge on competitors, it’s a business imperative to attract and retain the best talent.
Do you need talent who are hard-to-find? Tech or digital, anyone?
With a talent shortage of 740,000 highly skilled workers in Australia in 2020, can you afford to miss out on these incredible (and significant) talent pools through lack of flex?
Is increasing women in leadership on your agenda? You need part-time.
When you advertise any role full time, even full-time flexible, you’re simply excluding huge parts of our society.
People who could be the best person for your role. Many happen to be women.
When employers advertise mid and senior professional roles part-time on Beam, 87% of the time, the successful candidate is a woman.
This reflects the gender ratio in our talent pool. This is what a level playing field looks like.
Flexibility to attract the best talent
“Employsure is currently exploring increased flexibility in some roles (whether this is change of hours, days, change of working location) — and the impact this might have on broadening our talent pool.”
- Maureen Croft, Talent Acquisition and Workplace Manager, Employsure