Analyse the role

Before you redesign a role, it’s necessary to first understand the current role.

To do this, take a minute to review the key activities required to achieve the outcomes the role is responsible for delivering.


How to:

This can be done by an individual — or in a 1:1 with a team manager. 

Map out what is actually done in the role right now. Or, if it’s a new role, what you need to get done.

List out the high level types of work you do, or responsibilities you have, in your role (not the actions, such as meetings or writing emails), eg:

  • Budget analysis

  • Sales outreach

  • Campaign management

  • Customer service

Come up with about 5-10 of these “bundles of work”. Don’t go into too much detail (unless you believe it will help with this particular role).

Then, consider how much time (as a percentage or hours) is consumed by each of these activities on average in a given week.



Don’t be tempted to reference a job description for this information — a role in practice very rarely mirrors a job description!

Well done! Now we can redesign the role.