Conversation guide: Identifying flexibility needs

Use this simple guide with team members who have requested a flexible work arrangement. 

You can also use this guide to establish a new ‘normal’ to workplace flexibility if your team is returning from a fully remote working model due to Covid-19.

We’ve used the GROW coaching model as the basis of this guide but you don’t need to be familiar with this.


Suggested introduction:

"The purpose of this meeting is to discuss your needs and identify how we can support you to achieve your flexibility goals. This is something that we will continue to talk about both 1:1 and as a team, so today is really just starting the conversation." 

GOAL: How do you want to work?

  • So! What are your flexibility goals? 

  • What type of flexible work would suit you best? (Use Beam’s flexible work types framework to explore when, where and how.)

REALITY: How do you currently work and what obstacles can you foresee to achieving your goal?

  • Currently, what does your typical working week look like in terms of where, when, how much you work?

  • How do you think this type of flexibility might affect our stakeholders, the team or our service delivery?

  • Do you see any other challenges that you might face in working flexibly?

  • How do you think this type of flexibility might affect our stakeholders, the team or our service delivery?

OPTIONS: Explore the options to achieve the goal

  • What do we need to change in order to help you achieve your flexibility goals and still maintain your outputs? Eg. looking at how the team works, role design.

  • If we can make this arrangement work, what support will you need from me? 

  • To make this arrangement work, what support do you need from the team or stakeholders?

WRAP-UP: Clarifying next steps

  • What do you need to do to progress this idea? By when will you do this? 

  • What I need to do as your leader to progress this idea is… (contractual change/role design across the team/Team work considerations)

  • I will come back to you by...


Tips for a successful, open conversation

Forget about the why

It’s important to note that the why behind a request for flexibility or an adjustment to the way a role is designed does not matter. Everyone has the right to request flexible ways of working. Your role is to determine whether it can be enabled in a way that maintains or improves service delivery, not to assess the reasons behind the request.

Avoid assumptions

Try not to make assumptions about the type of flexibility a team member may or may not require. Spend more time listening than talking and be mindful of any gender biases around caring responsibilities.

Keep an open mind

Start from the position of “how can we make this work?” and be open to different options. Be creative and solutions focused – flexibility can take many forms. The solution may not be apparent straight away but the role design process will help identify what is possible.

Flex for all

Poor performance is not a reason to deny a proposal to work flexibly. In some cases, a flexible work arrangement may remove the barriers to performance.


Conversations are a great way to start